Here’s the Weekend
Well what can I say another weekend is upon us. I have had a great time recently, I have been having lots of pictures taken of me. In fact so many that if invoiced J he would probably be bankrupt with immediate effect. However, been a humble dog (but cute and lovable though) at the same time. I am happy to simply have on or ten Handmade Dog Treats – Archie’s of course being the best. This is because they are so yummy in my tummy.
It is quite interesting that I have also been for more walks than usual this week. Interesting in the sense that I was a the Vets a few weeks ago. The vet said that I could do with losing a kilo. Talk about people in glass houses throwing stones. The vet could do with a great deal more walks than me. Especially if we are talking about losing kilos, cheeky so and so.
Also this week did you hear that thunder the other day? My word it was so loud and being a sensitive soul I don’t like loud noise. Peace and quite that’s my preferred state of affairs. Well that is unless I am barking at someone passing by or delivering a parcel. Still it is easy to silence me with some Handmade Dog Treats. I have to admit that I can be quite loud when I bark, especially when that pesky cat walks by with it’s snooty nose in the air.
You must have heard the saying “his bark is worse than his bite”. Well not true but then I don’t tend to bite anyone, just the thought of it makes me cringe. I do however much prefer to give out lots of lovely kisses, especially to J because he looks after me soooo well.
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