Christmas is Over and New Year is here!

Archie here again! Well, it’s all over now and here we are in the New Year. I hope that all my 2 and indeed 4 legged friends had a good festive season, I know I did, lots of treats, walks and of course Christmas pressies. So, what’s new for the start of this year? Well, […]
December Christmas Cheer – Ho ho ho

Archie here again! Well, it’s not quite Christmas yet and already I have been in trouble with my 2-legged friends. First, I managed to sneak in behind J while he was wrapping presents and nicked one already wrapped, I then just happened to start taking the wrapping paper back off the present, which is what […]
November Dark Nights
Archie here again! So, I heard my hooman friends saying the “clocks have gone back” not sure what that means to me as a mere dog? Does it mean that they have gone back to the shop they came from? What? What I am so confused!! But I do know that I seem to […]
Archie is looking forward!
Archie here again! It’s early October and there is so much to look forward to now, first we have Halloween and I am so looking forward to going out with my hooman friends to a Halloween party, I have my skeleton bandana ready to that I will look (as always) smart and stylish, if […]