Archie’s Pupdate – July 2024
Summer, what Summer? Archie here again! Well, where is it? One minute we get some sunshine and then it’s raining all over the place. It has been both a difficult time and busy, especially with the huge number of dog birthday cakes we have been making. Vegan Dog Birthday Cake – Archie’s Pet Pantry ( […]
Summer’s here? (somewhere)
Archie here again! So, June was fabulous, and we had a great time at Dogstival We met a lot of doggies and their 2-legged friends, had sooooo much fun, lots of fussing long lazy days. It’s been a busy time for me as the Tester in Chief for all the new products. So, we now […]
Easter is Coming
Archie here again! So, three wonderful things to look forward to as we leave February behind for another year. The first being that it will be my birthday, getting to be an old dog I’m afraid, I will be eight. The second is that the clocks will soon be ‘springing forward’ and the evenings will […]
Valentine Time…….

Archie here again! The evenings are getting lighter, and it is easier to see that the neighbour’s cat is getting braver. He sits outside the garden fence and looks at me as if to say, “you can’t chase me ha ha!” There has been a lot going on, we have a whole load of new […]
Christmas is Over and New Year is here!

Archie here again! Well, it’s all over now and here we are in the New Year. I hope that all my 2 and indeed 4 legged friends had a good festive season, I know I did, lots of treats, walks and of course Christmas pressies. So, what’s new for the start of this year? Well, […]
December Christmas Cheer – Ho ho ho

Archie here again! Well, it’s not quite Christmas yet and already I have been in trouble with my 2-legged friends. First, I managed to sneak in behind J while he was wrapping presents and nicked one already wrapped, I then just happened to start taking the wrapping paper back off the present, which is what […]
November Dark Nights
Archie here again! So, I heard my hooman friends saying the “clocks have gone back” not sure what that means to me as a mere dog? Does it mean that they have gone back to the shop they came from? What? What I am so confused!! But I do know that I seem to […]
Archie is looking forward!
Archie here again! It’s early October and there is so much to look forward to now, first we have Halloween and I am so looking forward to going out with my hooman friends to a Halloween party, I have my skeleton bandana ready to that I will look (as always) smart and stylish, if […]
Summer Fun Bathtime

I don’t know about all my canine friends, but I absolutely love having a bath or shower. It always makes me feel refreshed and smelling wonderful. As it is summer (even though my human friends keep saying “when’s the summer going to get here?”) I like to go for a swim in the sea, which […]
Can you teach an ‘old dog new tricks?’

I don’t know about teaching an ‘old dog new tricks’, the question is my friends, can you teach an ‘old human friend new tricks’. It’s all about melting their heart (not that I am sure that J has one lol). Having a handsome face and big brown eyes makes it almost impossible for J to […]