Lick mats and their benefits for dogs and cats

The action of licking created by the lick mat, encourages the production of saliva which helps break down food. Slowing down eating reduces bloat risks and improves digestion. Supports oral health: The grooves and soft brittles scrape a dog’s tongue, cleaning it and removing particles and bacteria. It can aid digestion as saliva contains enzymes […]

Healthy Dog Treats for all – New Year is here

So here it is 2021 and I will soon be 6 years old. Six years with J and what a six years. Healthy Dog Treats is our focus again this year. My hope it that (apart from all the usual walkies and nice treats) it will be a better, safer world all round for people. […]

Festive Greetings

Well it’s that time of year again. Stressed are all the humans. Colourful paper and sticky tape. Not me though I just keep on chilling, especially now I have a new range of treats – Archie’s Chill Biscuits. So I hear that this old guy with a red suit and big white beard is on […]

WetRain Everywhere, love it!

Well I’ve been out with J today, but boy it’s wet out there, rain everywhere. So what have I been up to recently? well lots of nice long walks, we keep going to different places to walk, so I get to have a sniff of a whole load of different smells. One of my favourite […]

Autumn Thoughts

Well time this year is moving on and the nights are drawing in and the nights are becoming longer. But I love my walks on a bright and chilly day. I absolutely love sniffing around in the woods taking in all the sights and sounds and of course being a Labrador the smells that you […]

Handmade Dog Treats and that Friday Feeling

To show Archie's face

Here’s the Weekend Well what can I say another weekend is upon us. I have had a great time recently, I have been having lots of pictures taken of me. In fact so many that if invoiced J he would probably be bankrupt with immediate effect. However, been a humble dog (but cute and lovable […]

Archie’s Fantastic Weekend

Hello everyone, just had a fantastic weekend and it started with a trip out with J’s Daughter and her friend. They took me out for a nice long walk and took some nice photographs of me. The walk was great, as was the splashing around in the stream, but that made J’s Daughter’s car back […]


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